Hello and welcome!

by | May 9, 2022 | Uncategorized

Hey there! Hello and welcome to the new look website – Scoosh Live coding tutor – the re-launch. Yay!

So what’s different? Well… I am a coding tutor. I’ve niched down to offer online coding tutoring alone, based on game development. This is great for you, and for me. You get a committed tutor, focused on building your coding skills. And I get to improve my service to you.

I still love science and engineering, and STEM clubs were so much fun, but I am physically restricted to the local area as I no longer have a car.

This *new* way of being online where we can connect to people on a global scale also allows me to help more children and young people to thrive with coding. The students are in a safe space at home, enabling them to engage better with the learning process. I have all the resources I could possibly need, on my computer and in my office at home. Win – win!


I’ve added the shop so have a look around for the services on offer. You will find details of one to one tutoring, current courses running on LessonWise and workbooks. https://scoosh.live/shopEvents to follow!


Join my mailing list for a great freebie and coding tips straight to your inbox. A resources page will follow.

Absolute beginner to coding? Check out Scratch for easy to start block based coding. No need to install anything, simply create an account, explore the tutorials and fellow coders projects and get creating. 

Ready to move on from Scratch? Check out Repl.it for a web based coding platform where you can practice writing in lots of different languages, without downloading anything. Create an account and explore – there are code examples and tutorials right there.


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