Summer Holiday Coding Ideas

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Python

Thinking about the holidays and looking for some summer holiday coding ideas to keep your children busy and happy? I’m here for you with some great ideas related to the summer – double benefit it could easily count towards their summer homework!

If you’d like to check out the camps and courses I’m currently offering see button below.

Summer Coding Camps


How are you feeling about the holidays around the corner? Are you, like me, dreaming of relaxing by the pool with a fab intriguing novel and a fruit cocktail? 

Reality is not quite like that – my husband will have a couple of weeks off, and we’ll spend most of that time together with his mum on the Isle of Wight. Days out, beach, pier, cream tea and our favourite thing to do – crazy golf! There’s this great place at Sandown, called ‘Dino Islands’ that we go to every year. One year we were so determined to do it that we got soaked in a classic British weather downpour!

Clouds looming over a game of crazy golf

Clouds looming over a game of crazy golf


Coding Ideas for your children

Here’s some summer coding ideas to suggest to your children, divided into story, game and art sections with suggestions for doing them in Scratch, Python or JavaScript.



How about animating a story from your favourite holiday, your favourite way to travel there or the best holiday activity? 



If you’d rather create a game, you could create one around your favourite holiday activity such as beach volleyball, crazy golf, sailing or visiting the pier.



Looking for art ideas instead? Create a collage or slide show of your favourite holiday photos, beautiful summer blooms or yummy ice creams!



In Scratch, pick some sprites that are close enough to what you want. The beachball, butterflies, city bus, clouds (definitely if it’s a UK holiday right? lols), convertible, crab, diver, food truck, sun, sunglasses, and trampoline could all be relevant for use here!  Tip – use the easel sprite to create a deck chair! Unfortunately there’s no aeroplane. What could you use instead?



In Python, tell your story like a text adventure with alternate endings, use the Pygame module to create a bat and ball game or use Turtle and loops to create shapes.



JavaScript could be used to create your own website with a slideshow of your holiday snaps, stories or a snap game!



The short video below shows a collage made with all my favourite things about holidays in Cornwall as a young teen. It’s easily completed in Scratch, a little trickier in Python and JavaScript.


Happy holidays!

Hope you enjoyed these summer holiday coding ideas, let me know if you’d like details on how to complete any of them.

Hope to hear from you soon with your plans and news, have a great summer!

Cheers Jan


Sharing with you our family’s school summer holiday plans and summer fun coding sessions, click here to check them out.

1 Comment

  1. Dan

    Loads of great ideas here, Jan!


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