Scoosh Live
Building confident and creative learners through fun and supportive coding lessons

Your child is into computers & video games

But… you don’t have the time / knowledge / teaching skills. 

You’re in the right place.


You want to encourage your child's interest

But… you don’t want to put them off with more school learning.

You’re in the right place.


You would like your child to have productive screen time

Rather than watch endless videos.

You’re in the right place.


You're looking to engage your child's curiosity

In child-led fun sessions.

You’re in the right place.


Hi! My name is Jan
Mum to teenage twins, coding tutor and business owner of Scoosh Live. A creative by heart, I believe in the importance of creativity, innovation and imagination in our modern world. It is my mission to build that in our young people in fun and supportive coding sessions.

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